Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Gabe's New Love

We bought Gabe an activity mat a few days ago and boy does he love it! The star in the middle lights up and plays music and he just laughs and kicks the whole time. I'm sure the mat will be a lifesaver in a few weeks when I have to get ready for work.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Milestone Alert!

Gabe slept through the night last night! He slept from 10 PM to 6 AM. Needless to say I am one happy and RESTED Momma! Although in the interest of full disclosure I should add that I gave him Tylenol at 7:30 last night because he was a bit feverish from his shots...not sure if that's what made the difference.

Gabe, David and I are sending a big kiss to my Granny and Gabe's GG this morning. GG fell yesterday and broke her arm and is having surgery today. We love you GG... get well soon!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Woo Baby!

This morning Gabe has his 2 month check-up. David and I were both excited to see how much he weighed and how tall he was. The big man is now weighing in at a whopping 13 lbs 11 oz and is 24 inches long....90 percentile on both! At this rate he's going to pass me up by the time he starts kindergarten!

Here's the man cheering on the Tigers last night with his Tiger blankee and his favorite LSU onesie.

Monday, June 22, 2009

"I Think That Possibly Maybe I'm Falling For You"


Happy 2 month birthday! Look at how big you're getting! So many changes this last month...here's what you've been up to...
  • You recognize me and Daddy now and you smile when you see us...which of course we love!

  • You love your bears on your pack and play and swing mobiles. You just smile and smile at them as they dance around.

  • You coo and make the most adorable noises.

  • You actually like to take a bath now. You are so mellow after!

  • You're not sleeping through the night yet but usually get up just once.

  • You eat about 5-6 ounces every 3-4 hours except at night you can go up to 7 hours between feedings.
  • Your new favorite toys are your hands...you just love sucking on them!

A typical day for you starts off around 7 AM- depending on when you last ate I may feed you or wait a bit. Daddy heads off to work around 8:30 and you usually take a nap shortly thereafter. You might nap anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and a half. Then we do the wake-up, feed, change, play, sleep routine for the rest of the day. Daddy gets home around 6:30. We usually give you a bath and massage you a bit around 9...this is our favorite time of the day with you. You're so calm and relaxed after your bath. We all three sit on Mommy and Daddy's bed after and talk and play. Then Mommy swaddles you and Daddy puts you to sleep around 10 or 11 PM. Lately you've been waking up only once usually around 3:30 AM. Then we do it all over again!

You pretty much still have the same nicknames you had a month ago although Daddy called you Captain the other day...not sure where that came from. Oh tomorrow you have your 2 month checkup. Mommy is definitely nervous about your shots but so excited to see how much you weigh and how tall you are. I'm guessing 13 lbs 3 oz and 24 and 1/2 inches.

This next month is going to be quite the adventure. Mommy heads back to work in three weeks and you'll be spending your days with a sitter. Mommy knows she's going to miss you terribly while she's at work.

Mommy and Daddy love you bunches sweet boy and can't wait to see what this next month brings!

***Just wanted to mention that the subject title is from "Falling in Love at the Coffee Shop" by Landon Pigg. Last month's title was from "What a Wonderful World."

I Love This Baby!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

First Fathers Day

David is a preparer. He must have been a Boy Scout. While I was pregnant he read way more than I did about how to care for a baby, he made us go on a tour of the hospital TWICE, he took copious notes during all of our pregnancy prep classes. Let me just say he was ready for this baby. Well what I was not ready for was the absolute love I feel for him when I see him with Gabe.... especially when he takes a middle of the night feeding!!!

Happy first Fathers Day David! Gabe is so luck to have you as his Daddy!

And Happy Fathers Day to my Dad...the best Daddy a girl could ever ask for!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


David's a big Yankees fan- me not so much- actually me not at all. I'm a Red Sox fan...okay fan may be an exaggeration but when they play the Yankees I definitely cheer for them! But since I know how much David loves them I bought a Yankees onesie for Gabe and gave it to David for his birthday back in April. Gabe wore the outfit earlier in the week but I couldn't resist pairing it with a pair of Red Socks! I guess we'll let him decide if he's a Yankee or a Red Soxs fan.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Put Me in Coach, I'm Ready to Play!

Looks it's Gabe Lanoux...starting Quarterback for the Tigers in the Fall of 2027!

Playing with Pappy's mini helmet

Working on his Heisman Trophy pose!

Humoring his camera crazy Mommy!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

We Miss Daddy!

Gabe and I are having a great time at Monie and Pappy's house but we miss Daddy! In an effort to combat this I decided to dress Gabe like his daddy. Anyone who knows David knows he wears navy and khaki about 90% of the time when he's not in his "work clothes" or wearing something LSU.

We love you Daddy! See you tomorrow! We can't wait for you to hug and kiss on us!

Doesn't he look like a little man?

A boy and his daddy!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Live From Mathews It's Gabe Lanoux

Gabe and I hit the road yesterday and headed to to Mathews to visit Monie, Pappy and Godfather for a few days. As you can see below it looks like we're planning on staying for a few months rather than a few days.

Gabe had quite a few visitors yesterday! He was able to meet his Aunt Wendy, Cousin Olivia, Honey (my sister in law Chantel), Aunt Franny, Cousin Parker and GG (my Granny). I know he loved being loved on by everyone!

Olivia and Honey feeding the Little Man
I think he could have stayed in Aunt Franny's arms for hours! He was so content!
He also got a "personal tour" around my property from his Pappy. Not sure if they spotted any alligators though.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Smiles All Around!

How cute is this baby! Gabe has really started smiling this past week. He'll smile for me but David gets the best smiles! Lucky Daddy!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Fun in the Sun!

Gabe and I have been taking advantage of this nice weather and spending time in our backyard. He seems to really enjoy it. He even tolerates me putting a hat on his head that's 3 times too big!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What's in a Name

Gabriel Joseph Lanoux

Let me start out by saying that I was convinced we were having a girl. I mean I was certain...so certain that I bought TWO different sets of girl bedding...so certain that we had a named picked out (Catherine Austen) ...so certain that minutes before we went in for the ultrasound I bet David dinner that it would be a girl...so certain that when the ultrasound tech said "Oh this baby's a boy" you could have picked me up off the floor!

I realized that we had a 50/50 shot that the baby would be a boy but it honestly never occurred to me that me the girliest of girls could actually have a boy. After the appt for the ultrasound we had an appt with my ob/gyn. We were a little early so we sat in the waiting room kind of staring at each other and laughing at the thought of a boy. David began reading through Sports Illustrated (sorry I can never remember if you're supposed to underline or puts magazines in quotes) as we waited. Since we hadn't thought about boy names I got the idea to flip through the magazine and find boy names we might like. We began making a list of names we found and names that came to our mind. The initial list included Eli (which I loved but David didn't want people to think we named him after Eli Manning), Nathan, Benjamin, John David, Ian, Cal and Gabriel.


I was sold on Gabriel from the start but David was a bit hesitant because one of his cousins is married to a Gabe. I told him that didn't matter...especially since we only saw him once a year! For the next 2 months I tried to wear David down and convince him our son should be named Gabe. I asked David for additional suggestions but I just couldn't get on board with Vance and Edward (his suggestions). Finally a few months before I was due he agreed to Gabriel! Looking at our sweet baby now there's no possible way he could ever be anything other than Gabriel!


Gabriel's middle name is after both of his grandfathers- Alfred Joseph and Curtis Joseph. My middle name (Jo) is after my father and David and I felt it was important to keep that tradition- remember had we had a girl her middle name would have been Austen which is David's middle name. We actually kept the middle name a secret from our families until he was born. It was great being able to surprise everyone!


Lanoux is a variatnt of the name Lanoue.

Last name origin & meaning: French: habitational name from places called La Noue, this name being derived from a Gaulish word nauda ‘water meadow’, ‘boggy place’. This is a Canadian secondary surname for Laigu, Laleu, and Robutel, recorded there since 1687.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Commenting Tutorial

A few people have said they'd like to leave a comment but didn't know how. Well just click on the link below and it'll give you step by step instructions.....happy commenting!
