Sunday, January 31, 2010
Throw Me Something Mister!
David, Gabe and I headed downtown this afternoon for the Mistic Krewe of Mutts parade. We met up with my friend Jean and her sweet "baby" Stella. It was Gabe's first parade, and he seemed to enjoy it. He was silent nearly the entire time- just taking everything in. The parade theme this year was Space Pawdessy. Pet owners parade their dogs along the route and throw beads while you can throw treats at their dogs. Needless to say a good time was had by all!
David and Gabe hanging out on the lawn of the old Governor's Mansion
Gabe petting Stella. How much do you love Jean's hat!!!
Gabe's first bead!
Gabe's reaction to the bead!
Love the bulldog in the tutu!
Sweet little puppies! I tried to convince David that we need a dog but he wasn't buying it!
Seriously how funny is this!
I loved that people got so into it!
Gabe and all of his loot...beads, candy and a stuffed animal!
Cute video of Gabe and David before the parade began.
Next Mardi Gras adventure... Spanish Town parade! I'm so excited that my fabulous friend Lisa and her super cute baby boy are coming in from Dallas for the parade!!!
Friday, January 22, 2010
"Everytime I Look at You the World Just Melts Away"
You are kinda crawling or at least doing your version of crawling which entails you moving your upper body forward and then dragging the rest of you... so funny!
You can now go from laying on your belly to sitting up!
We've now introduced a little meat into your diet- so far you've had chicken and veggie baby food and you seemed to enjoy it.
You love men! You seem to react more to men than you do to women.... especially your daddy and Pappy.
You are so very ticklish especially under your chin!
You now have four teeth! Your top 2 came in just in the last two weeks.
You seem to understand the word "no." When you're heading towards something that you shouldn't be (Diaper Genie, electrical cords, DVR are your favorite no touch items) ND I say "no" you stop and look back at me like.
Again you continue to love being out in public. It's so fun to watch you taking in the world.
Currently you are obsessed with balls. You have 3 or 4 that you chase all over the house. You also love knocking down blocks. The second Daddy's done stacking them you knock them down!
You still take 3 naps during the day and sleep about 11 hours each night.
Gabe, we love you so very much and are so happy that you continue to be a healthy and happy little boy! Happy 9 month birthday sweet boy!
Love you bunches and bunches, Mommy and Daddy
Here are a few pics of you and Daddy... I just love the expression on your face in the last one!
* Song title taken from "Push" by Sarah McLachlan
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
9 Month Stats
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Zoo Proof!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Gabe Lanoux heads to the zoo!
Gabe was super excited! Look at that grin and we were only in the parking lot!
Gabe looking at the elephants
Gabe and Daddy being silly!
I think Gabe was more interested in his duck than the Dik Dik.
The BR zoo has TONS of monkeys... probably my least favorite animal but Gabe seemed to enjoy them.
Gabe loved all of the colorful birds or maybe he just loves his daddy who was making a silly face!
Not sure what this face is about but I love it!
Gabe and Momma posing near the flamingos
"Ummm, Daddy can we go home now? I need a nap!"
We did eventually head home and take a nap but not before a quick visit with Maw Maw and Paw Paw. What a great day!!!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Gabe's New Trick
Oh Gabe's third tooth has finally made an appearance!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Fashion Faux Pas
Every afternoon when I pick Gabe up I'm always eager to see if he's still wearing the clothes we brought him in or has he spit up on them. Today I walked in to find Gabe wearing something I definitely did not pack for him. Apparently he spit up twice and Tammy (sitter) had to search through some of her grandson's old clothes to find something for him. Just thought his mismatched, pieced together outfit was too cute not to share!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Happy Birthday Monie and Nanny!
I love these next two pictures! Notice that he's wearing the H, he has one letter on his sleeve and about 4 more clutched in his hands!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Ringing in 2010
1. Hearing my sweet baby cry for the first time has to be my favorite moment of the year! I was so exhausted I barely knew my own name but the second I heard him cry I began to cry! It was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard.
2. I know I should probably write holding him for the first time but I was so groggy I have little memory of it. That moment that did it for me was the next day in the hospital. David and I were alone with Gabe most of the day... no visitors until the evening. We were able to spend the day holding him, staring at him, just soaking him in! He even slept while I watched Grey's Anatomy... perfect child!
3. Bringing Gabe home from the hospital is a definite must for this list. It was such a wonderful moment when they said we could finally leave. My favorite nurse wheeled Gabe and I to our car, and we safely buckled Gabe in. I sat with Gabe in the back- I mean did I think he was going to jump out or something? I don't think we were 5 minutes down the road when I looked up in the rear view mirror and saw that David was crying which of course made me cry. We were both beyond happy to be finally taking our sweet baby home.
4. There was a moment early on that I realized that I actually had the ability to soothe Gabe. It was so amazing to realize that he knew heartbeat, my voice and eventually my touch.
5. Gabe first true smile and first belly laugh are amongst my greatest moments! I did (and still will do) anything to make him smile and laugh! As my mom says there's no halfway with him he either has a HUGE grin or none at all.
6. Holding and kissing on Gabe after my first day of work ranks right up there. While I was pregnant I truly thought I wouldn't have much trouble leaving Gabe but I was so wrong. Even today it's so difficult to be away from him all day!
7. While I realized that David had replaced me as Gabe's favorite playmate is a must for the list! I know I've said this over and over again but Gabe sure does love his Daddy and I honestly can say I can't blame him. David is an amazing father!
8. The first time he babbled "momma." My head knows that he doesn't know what he's saying but my heart just melts every time he "says" it!
9. The honest truth is that every moment with Gabe is amazing even when he's crying or fussy I still think he's the best little man that ever was!
Happy New Year! Bring on 2010!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
We're Back!
Renee and I headed out early Wednesday morning to catch a flight to head out West to serve as Mitch's Matrons of Honor. The three days we spent in Scottsdale were a whirlwind of activities- wedding rehearsal, rehearsal dinner, massages, hair and makeup, pictures, WEDDING, reception and then day after brunch! So much fun!!!
Renee and I taking a picture of ourselves before we headed out to the wedding.
The ceremony was so beautiful! It was New Year's Eve and began around 8:30 in the evening. I was doing a good job of holding it together until Mark started to tear up and he read his promises to Michelle, and I totally lost it as Michelle began hers and said "I'm going to try not to cry." I turned to Renee to see if she could hold me and Mitch's bouquets so I could wipe my eyes but she was crying just as hard! The tears continued at the reception where Renee and I cried again as we toasted Michelle and Mark. I can't believe that I've known Michelle for 21 years!