My sweet friend Kristy invited us over for the parade in Addis (small BR suburb). I tried to teach Gabe how to say Mardi Gras and "Throw me some mista" but both kinda failed. Every time I would saw "throw me something mista" he would immediately reply "Danny"- the name of his sitter's husband. Too funny!
I really love this parade because it's small and it totally reminds me of a down the bayou parade- you know everyone on the float!
Gabe wasn't sure about the sirens but once the beads started to fly he seemed to really enjoy himself. He would say "I'll get it" as they threw beads at us! All in all I think the parade lasted 20 minutes which to me is the perfect length when you're trying to keep a 2 year old out of the road!
Hope everyone else had a great Mardi Gras too!