Poor little man was still battling the stomach flu until mid week. I ended up staying home with him Monday and Tuesday. We played, snuggled and watched lots of PBS kids! The one thing Gabe did not do was eat. The only thing he asked for was a "special cookie" aka Oreo. He headed back to school Wednesday, and I'm so happy to report that he got dressed easily each morning and put on his jammies pretty easily every night(SO THANKFUL!). I can't tell you how happy I am that Gabe was his old, sweet self this week!!!
Here are a couple pics chronicling the week...
No pics from Monday... to busy changing diapers and cleaning up throw up (sorry but it's true).
Tuesday- So apparently when you're sick we have no rules. You can ride your bike in the house and eat a cookie!

We were able to go on a walk Tuesday night. Gabe (like his Poppa) is obsessed with sticks!

Wednesday- Gabe decided "I need an L" from our built ins in the living room. Well one L of course turned into him needing all 6 L's. He kept asking me "Momma, you need an L?" Too cute!

No pics from Thursday because I had to work but here's one from Friday. He got pretty frustrated (no idea why) and took off his sight and decided to pull off the letters off the fridge. He was over it a miunte later and laughing... silly boy!

Saturday Gabe woke up from his nap and asked for ice cream. No idea where this came from since we never have ice cream in the house. Instead he was pretty excited to eat an orange sherbet push up.

Sunday we headed to the Rural Life Museum for their Fall Fest.
Gabe and Poppa heading into the corn maze.

Water balloon sling shot...

Gabe wants to try...

Taking a stab at the maze on his own..

He refused to sit by himself...

"Where's Gabe?"

Momma and her favorite monkey!

Cute quotes from the week...
"Momma's kiss" as he touches my lips- so sweet!
"Nice to meet you Momma"- I almost died laughing!
"No Poppa- my body" when David went to tickle him
"So cool Momma"
"I wanna stop crying" as he was crying- me "you can stop crying" Gabe "ok" crying stops- ha!