Sunday, May 10, 2009

Gabriel Joseph Lanoux

Gabriel Joseph Lanoux made his way into the world at 5:30 PM Wednesday, April 22, 2009 weighing in at 8 lbs 6 oz and a whopping 22 1/2 inches! I should mention that he did so after nearly 18 hours of labor!

David and I arrived at the hospital at 10 PM on the 21st to begin the induction process. We agonized (I cried) about whether to induce or wait another week but we decided to induce and I'm so glad we did! Quickly I was taken into a room, hooked up to an iv and given Cervotek (sp?). About an hour later I began having contractions...nothing too bad but contractions nonetheless. At around 3 AM I was given Potocin and the contractions definitely began to intensify! By 5 AM my water had broken (strangest feeling ever!) and I was in serious pain...time for the epidural! Actually I think I got the epidural at 6:30 AM. Oh I should mention that I hadn't slept a wink the night before and David probably got about an hour of sleep.

Things moved along throughout the morning but all the while the staff kept telling me that a c-section was probably in my future because his head was so large and apparently I have a small pelvis- who knew? Around 2:30 PM I was 10 centimeters and the nurses told me it was time to push...seriously? I know at that point I had been in the hospital for over 16 hours but it felt like things were happening too quickly. I pushed and pushed and pushed making little progress over the next two hours because not only was his head rather large he was facing sideways which is not conducive for delivery. After two hours I was so exhausted and making little progress so we all decided it was best we have a c-section. Once that decision was made my room became a hotbed of activity and before I knew it I was being wheeled away to the operating room. I was so tired at this point I could barely keep my eyes open so the thought of the c-section wasn't the least bit scary. David quickly was by my side and in a matter of minutes Gabe came roaring into the world! I can't begin the explain all of the emotions that were running through, relief, exhaustion just to name a few. Our lives forever changed at 5:30 PM on April 22nd and David and I could not be happier!

***I decided to start a blog for a few so that friends and family both near and far can keep up with Gabe and our little family. I also started it to keep a sort of high tech baby book that way I can easily chronicle all of his milestones and achievements. I hope to find time to give updates a few times a week so please keep coming back!

There he is!

I think he looks like he's 6 months old in this picture!

First family photo!

Proud Papa!

1 comment:

  1. I keep the blog for the same reasons - to keep in touch, and to keep a record of my thoughts and feelings and her milestones as they happen. There's a site (I'll give it to you later) where you can turn your blog into a book so he can have a printout of all these pics and your stories to keep forever. :) Too great! I'm glad you have a blog. :)
