Sunday, October 11, 2009

Busy Bee

We had quite a fun filled weekend! Here's the weekend in pictures...

Since we thought Gabe might a food allergy we waited a bit to introduce fruits or veggies. Gabe had squash for the first time Saturday. He seemed to like it but I doubt there are many things this boy won't eat!

"Tailgating" before the LSU game...

Zebra hunting... I love the look on his face!

Getting ready to head out to University Methodist to pick a pumpkin. Doesn't he look like a toddler in this picture?

In search of the perfect pumpkin....

Still looking to find that just right pumpkin...

We found a "family" sized pumpkin but bought Gabe his own "baby" sized one too.

Daddy and Gabe in front of Tiger Stadium....

Gabe in front of Pappy's brick at Mike the Tiger's cage...

Passed out at Lowe's...poor baby had a busy day! I just love that he's clutching on to his frog!

Hope everyone else had a great weekend too!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, multiple comments:
    a.) We had that carseat/stroller combo with almost that exact elephant and the exact duck/frog combo in exactly the same places. Haha!
    b.) His big ol' cheeks and huge grins MELT ME! So sweet!
