Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas Tree O Christmas Tree

Saturday morning David, Gabe and I headed out to Lowe's to pick out a Christmas tree. Gabe was quite excited!

Once we got our tree safely home it was time to decorate it. Christmas ornaments are a HUGE deal to me! My love for ornaments all started when I was a little girl; my brothers and I were given an ornament every year from our Uncle Kirk. I can probably tell you the story behind each and every ornament I have!

Gabe and I putting the first ornament on the tree.

Apparently Gabe was more interested in eating the ornaments than putting them on the tree.

Daddy and Gabe putting Mike the Tiger on the tree.

David lifting Gabe to see the top of the tree.

I love walking in the house and seeing (and smelling) our tree....it's one of the best parts of Christmas!


  1. Yup, a few days after your visit. I promise it's not too "momma."

  2. no, it looks cute...not momma at all.

  3. is that ali i see at the top of your tree? he is the greatest. didn't christopher take kristie? yes larry bird hangs on our tree as i type. i love ornaments too!

  4. Why yes that is Ali you see! I'm not sure what happened to Kristy. I hope Christopher has her.
