Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tiger Town

David, Gabe and I headed to LSU Sunday afternoon. Gabe really loved running around the Parade Grounds, but he didn't so much like visiting Mike the Tiger. I'm not sure if he was scared because he was so close to Mike or if he didn't like us stopping the stroller- either way he was not happy!

David and I were laughing about how LONG it's been since we were students there! In fact it's been 16 years for David. I, of course, was quick to remind David that in 16 years Gabe will be starting college!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Baby, You're a Firework"

This picture totally sums up Gabe right now- WILD! He's a wild man these days- climbing on furniture, knocking over things, biting... Needless to say we've been saying "Gabriel Joseph stop that" a whole lot lately. All I have to say is it's a good thing he's so cute otherwise we might need to consider toddler boot camp!

I should also add that he is the politest little thing. He says please and thank you for everything! Okay so maybe we'll keep him!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Little Builder

Oh how Gabe loves his blocks! At least everyday he brings me or David the bag o' bocks and says "blocks, blocks" until we open the bag. He's getting pretty good at stacking them... look what he did all by himself!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mr. Organized

The picture below is a very common scene in our house as of late. Gabe loves lining up his trucks, and he finds the funniest places to line them up- the rug, my leg, the crease of the sofa but his favorite place is on top of his chair!

He also loves standing on his chair, looking at me and David and saying "down? down?" Oh what are we going to do with him!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Addis Mardi Gras

My sweet friend Kristy invited us over for the parade in Addis (small BR suburb). I tried to teach Gabe how to say Mardi Gras and "Throw me some mista" but both kinda failed. Every time I would saw "throw me something mista" he would immediately reply "Danny"- the name of his sitter's husband. Too funny!

I really love this parade because it's small and it totally reminds me of a down the bayou parade- you know everyone on the float!

Gabe wasn't sure about the sirens but once the beads started to fly he seemed to really enjoy himself. He would say "I'll get it" as they threw beads at us! All in all I think the parade lasted 20 minutes which to me is the perfect length when you're trying to keep a 2 year old out of the road!

Hope everyone else had a great Mardi Gras too!