Monday, October 26, 2009

Fun Times!

There's been much excitement in the Lanoux home lately! Let's see we bought Gabe his first toothbrush so we can brush those pearly whites of his. We lowered the mattress on his bed per his pediatrician's suggestion. We moved him to a "big boy" convertible car seat because he was nearly at the 22 lb weight limit of his infant carrier. He helped me celebrate my birthday! He attend his first birthday party (for his cousin Machelle)! And on Sunday morning he said Dada as clear as a bell! I'm sure to most of you these aren't terribly exciting but David and I just love watching our sweet boy grow and experience new things!

Oh and big thanks to my mom and dad for installing the car seats and lowering Gabe's crib!

Trying to grab the camera from me!

Loving on Zebra

I just thought his expression was too funny not to post!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

"Rest Your Head Close to My Heart Never to Part, Baby You're Mine"

Dear Gabriel,

Daddy and I can't believe that you are a half year old today! It was just about this time 6 months ago that the nurse brought you into my room and left you with me and Daddy. What an amazing time for the three of us! I was pretty tired but I remember Daddy walking you around the room and reading to you from the signs posted around the room... too sweet! That moment seems like yesterday and at the same time seems so long ago. We can hardly remember what the world was like before you made your way into it.

You are growing and changing so's what you've been up to!
  • You can nearly sit up. You actually sit up for a few seconds before falling to your side.
  • You are still a great sleeper! You usually sleep from 7:45 to between 6:30 and 7.
  • We're introduced baby food to you. You've had green beans, squash and bananas so far and you seem to love them all.
  • You are getting very close to saying Dada! You are always babbling about something.
  • You cut two teeth and never once showed any signs of teething other than drooling!
  • You are such the social butterfly! You love to be out and about.
  • You now fall asleep on your own for naps and at bedtime. Such a big man but Mommy sure does miss holding you close!
  • You are the happiest little man I have ever met. You pretty much only cry when you're tired or hungry.
  • You are loving your jumper! You go to town in that thing!
  • You also are just a rolling machine...back and forth and back and forth.
You are without a doubt sweeter and more adorable than we could have ever imagined, and we love being your mama and dada!

Love you bunches and bunches, Mommy and Daddy

These next two pictures totally sum up your personality these days!

*Blog title from Baby Mine from Dumbo.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

6 Month Check-up!

No cute pictures to share just news from Gabe's doctors visits today. He had his 6 month check-up with his pediatrician, and I'm happy to report that all is well. He once again was in the 95th percentile for height and weight....weighing in at 21 lbs 5 oz and measuring a whopping 28 inches! He received his vaccinations as well as a flu shot. He'll go back in a month for his flu shot booster and the H1N1 shot as well.

We next met with a dermatologist. She immediately diagnosed him with eczema. She prescribed Cutivate and now has us lathering him in CeraVa twice a day rather than Aquaphor. Hope it does the trick. She gave me a list of do's and don't's for babies who suffer with eczema so operation alleviate eczema is in full affect!

Sunday, October 18, 2009


After mass yesterday, David, Gabe and I headed over to the church fair. We had such a fun time eating cotton candy and hamburgers (well at least David and I did). Gabe absolutely loved it!!! He loved looking around at all the people and hearing all the kids laughing. Can't wait for next year but fair warning to Gabe he'll need to get his own bag of cotton candy because I do not share :)!

Monday, October 12, 2009

First Tooth!

Well you can't really tell from the picture below but Gabe cut his first tooth! My sweet baby boy is growing up too quickly!

*** He cut his second tooth Thursday!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Busy Bee

We had quite a fun filled weekend! Here's the weekend in pictures...

Since we thought Gabe might a food allergy we waited a bit to introduce fruits or veggies. Gabe had squash for the first time Saturday. He seemed to like it but I doubt there are many things this boy won't eat!

"Tailgating" before the LSU game...

Zebra hunting... I love the look on his face!

Getting ready to head out to University Methodist to pick a pumpkin. Doesn't he look like a toddler in this picture?

In search of the perfect pumpkin....

Still looking to find that just right pumpkin...

We found a "family" sized pumpkin but bought Gabe his own "baby" sized one too.

Daddy and Gabe in front of Tiger Stadium....

Gabe in front of Pappy's brick at Mike the Tiger's cage...

Passed out at Lowe's...poor baby had a busy day! I just love that he's clutching on to his frog!

Hope everyone else had a great weekend too!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Nothin' Much

Gabe was still sleeping at 7:30 this morning so I figured I should check on him.... this is what I found. Love the fact that David put him down last night on his back with both socks on and in the left corner of the bed!

Video of David and Gabe from last night. Gabe will laugh for me but nothing like what he does for David! So cute!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Update to the Rash Update

Gabe's pediatrician's nurse called Monday to give us the results of the RAST. Turns out (as David and I thought) Gabe is not allergic to milk. He does, however, have a mild wheat and peanut allergy. So unless he's secretly eating peanut butter sandwiches in his crib at night the rash still goes unexplained. He has an appointment with a dermatologist at the end of the month. His pedi also prescribed Triamcinolone Cream, and it has been a miracle! After just using it a few times we can really see the difference in his skin. He's starting to get his "baby soft" skin back!

Monday, October 5, 2009

"Son of a Gun We're Gonna Have Big Fun on the Bayou"

Gabe and I definitely had big fun on the ba-you! We got to hang out with so many people we love! Can't wait to see you all again!

Here Gabe and I are cheering on the Tigers!

Nay Nay holding Gabe while Mitchie made him laugh. He was laughing so hard (video below)! Mitchie I think you've found a new calling... baby entertainer!

Love this picture of Gabe and Olivia! I'm sure this is the first of many "cousin conversations."

Mitch had Gabe laughing hysterically! This went on and on until they were both exhausted!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Happy Weekend!

We've had quite the busy week, and we are so happy it's the weekend! Gabe and I are heading to my parents house tomorrow. We are so excited to hang out with Monie, Pappy, Nay Nay, Mitchie, Honey and Olivia! Happy weekend!!!

So cute...I could just eat him up!

"Gazing off into the future"

Sweet baby boy!