Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pajama Party!

Is it just me or are baby pajamas the cutest things you've ever seen? Or maybe it's because I think the baby in the pajamas is the cutest thing!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

He's Official

Gabe's birth certificate came today! He's officially ours!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Gabe's Big Adventure

Gabe had his first sleepover this weekend. I had to work Saturday so Mom and Dad offered to watch him for the weekend. Mom and I met in LaPlace (mid-point) Friday and made the exchange. It felt so strange being in the house without him but I quickly found a million things to do like paint David's bathroom for the 10th time since we moved in 3 years ago.

Friday night David and I were able to Skype with Gabe before we headed out to dinner although truth be told he wasn't the least bit interested in us. I mean really how can we compete with Baby Einstein? I was so worried that being away from home would throw him off his schedule, but he slept his usual 8:30- 6:30. Oh he slept without being swaddled for the first time since he was a week old....bye bye swaddle blanket.

Saturday he went Down the Bayou to visit with Honey and Livey and meet his Uncle P (my brother Marty). I'm told a good time was had by all. David and I had a pretty good day too. Training went by quickly and David and I went to a luau at Vanessa and Brian's house. It was great getting to hang out with other adults!

Sunday morning I woke up early and headed to my parents to retrieve my sweet boy! It was so nice having a bit of a break but it was so much "nicer" having him back in my arms! Big thanks to Monie and Pappy for watching Gabe! Hope to do it again soon... wink wink!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"I've Got Sunshine On a Cloudy Day"


Happy 3 month birthday baby boy! Time is going by just way too quickly! I can't believe you're already 3 months old! You had a very busy and exciting month...

This month's highlights....
  • You are now sleeping 9-10 hours each night. You usually are asleep by 8:30 or 9 PM and will wake up around 6:30 AM. Sleeping baby = Happy Mommy and Daddy!
  • We still swaddle you at night and you take a paci when you're tired or your "paciport to dream land" as I call it
  • You wake up in the best mood! I love spending time with you in the morning... you're all smiles!
  • You are quite the chatterbox...always "talking"
  • You still love your activity mat and you've recently discovered television. You love your Baby Einstein video.
  • You haven't rolled over yet but you are trying to.
  • You're happy most of the really only cry when you're tired or hungry.
  • Mommy went back to work so you've been going to a sitter. You seem to really like Ms. Tammy and Mommy and Daddy really like that she takes such good care of you!
  • You love your tiger and hippo blankees.
  • Unfortunately you love scratching yourself... you seem to be covered in scratches lately.
  • Also you've started losing your hair. You still have a good bit but it's definitely thinning out.
  • Mommy has been working late on Tuesdays and Thursdays so you've been spending a lot of time alone with Daddy. You both seem to join it!
  • A few new nicknames have emerged (Pookie, Pooks, Pookie Pie, Little Pookie, Big Pookie). They all stem from your favorite book What's Wrong Little Pookie.

You really are becoming your own little person, Gabriel. We love you more and more everyday and are so happy that we are your Mommy and Daddy.

Love you bunches and bunches, Mommy and Daddy

Below are a few pics of Gabe from earlier today...note all the scratches on his forehead! I promise I'm constantly filing his nails...not sure what else I can do.

*Blog title from "My Girl" by The Temptations

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

He Gets Around

It seems like Gabe is in constant motion these days. I know nothing compared to what he'll be like in a few months but nonetheless the boy is on the move!

Here he is "under the star" on his activity mat this morning. When I laid him down he was wearing both socks. You can see the sock on the left side of the pic is where I initially put him...within a matter of minutes he made it nearly halfway around the mat. He's such the little inch worm!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Like a Weed I Tell Ya!

Gabe is getting so big! I swear he's shooting up over night! Where did my little baby go?

The Little Man relaxing in his Bumbo

Friday, July 17, 2009


This has been such a crazy week... being a working mom is no joke!

Monday was my first day back at work so my day was spent being brought up to speed on all of the new kids who entered foster care since April. It was so tough being away from Gabe but I think the fact that I really enjoy my job made it so much easier to return to work.

Tuesday was our first night of volunteer training so I worked until 9:30 PM. I raced home and was happy to find that Gabe was due for a bottle so I got to feed him and put him to sleep.

Wednesday was our home visit with Deacon Albert. Our church requires a home visit before the baby's baptism. Looks like Gabe will be baptized September 20th....let's hope he can fit the Christening gown!

Thursday was our second night of volunteer training so again I didn't make it home until 9:30. When I came home David was rocking him to sleep. I quickly snatched the baby from David's arms and kicked him out of the rocker so I could put Gabe to sleep...12 hours away from him is just too long!

Friday is our day of rest! I'm off today because we have training tomorrow so Gabe and I are just relaxing. We have big plans to do nothing.... I'm thinking pj's all day long is not a bad idea!

Monday, July 13, 2009

First Day

Well we made it! We survived my first day back at work and Gabe's first day with the sitter (Ms. Tammy). I actually held it together (I was quite proud of myself) but let me tell you 3 PM couldn't come fast enough!

I was so relieved when Tammy told me that he did very well and that he was "a keeper." I had this fear that he was just going to cry all day!

My schedule is a little screwy these next few weeks because of volunteer training so tomorrow I work 2:30- 9:30 PM which means David will be picking him up, feeding him, bathing him and putting him to bed. I'm sure they'll do great!

Gabe in David's car heading to the sitter's house this morning....not sure what the look is about!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tomorrow, Tomorrow

How am I going to be I leave this sweet boy tomorrow? Today is my last day of maternity leave and I am one giant ball of emotions! I can't believe it's already time for me to head back to work. Looking back these 12 weeks have gone by in a flash. I know that he's going to be in good hands with his sitter but how the heck and I going to be able to get anything done when I'm going to be thinking about him the entire time? David's dropping him off because I just didn't think that I could handle it. I'll be working until 3 which means that by 3:30 my baby boy will be back in my arms!

I suppose no one ever said being a parent was going to be easy!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Three Musketeers

Gabe and I headed to Lafayette today to meet Kate and play with Sydney. Kate was as sweet as could be- sleeping for nearly the entire visit.

I know that just 11 short weeks ago Gabe was the same size as Kate but I honestly can't remember him being that tiny!

I'm sure this is the first of many pictures these three will take together!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

A, E, I, O, Thank U

Gabe's favorite playmate came to visit last week- his Monie. Monie came spend the week and she, Gabe and I had a great time. She practiced his vowels with him... he's kinda got the A and the O down. It's so fun now that he's starting to "talk back" to us and I swear that he said hi the other day!

Thanks Monie for the fun times and the yummy food! We love you and we miss you!

Just relaxing on Daddy's weight bench with Monie.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Gabe's Girlfriend Has Arrived!

My amazing friend Renee gave birth to the most adorable little girl last night. Kate Elizabeth Guidry was born at 9:19 PM weighing in at 8 lbs 9 oz and measuring 21 inches long. Gabe, David and I can't wait to meet her!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Somebody Get Me a Spoon..

Because I could just eat him up!