Sunday, December 11, 2011

iPhone Upload

This is from a few weeks back. Gabe dumped all of his toys out of the bins and then said to me "hop in Momma." Too cute!

The Christmas Elf brought Gabe Play Doh this year. Gabe loves it! He also loves leaving it through out this house. I even found some in the Christmas tree!

Taken at the Breakfast with Santa. Yup, that's butter on his face... YUM!

Santa, where's my baby?

As we've done since Gabe was born we took him to have breakfast with Santa at church Saturday morning. I asked him earlier in the week if he was excited about having breakfast with Santa. His response- "No, I not have bek fust with Santa. I stay in the car." I even said "Santa's going to say Ho Ho Gabe Merry Christmas." Gabe's response "Santa not Ho Ho Gabe." Foreshadowing anyone? Well let me just say he did eat breakfast, but wanted NOTHING to do with Santa. I mean who can blame him? We don't exactly make a habit of letting him sit on stranger's laps.

After we ate our pancakes and sausage, we waited in line to take our picture with Santa. Gabe seemed to not really notice Santa- he was more caught up in the decorations. When it came our time I walked up to Santa holding Gabe. Gabe immediately started crying and refused to sit on Santa (first picture). The second picture is me trying to coax Gabe to come and sit with me and Santa. Not surprisingly that did not work either! Well there's always next year!

Gable loved playing on the slides outside of the cafeteria.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


We spent Thanksgiving again this year with David's family. The weather was beautiful so we spent a lot of time playing outside which Gabe loved. He loved playing basketball and soccer with all of his cousins (and Poppa and Paw Paw). He also loved Maw Maw's cookies. We had to eventually hide them from him!

It's hard to believe Gabe's 16 months younger! They are the same size!

Reading with Paw Paw


Friday, November 25, 2011

Children's Museum

David and I both took the day off before Thanksgiving and decided to take Gabe to Lafayette's Children's Museum. We had the best time! Well we might have lost Gabe for a minute or two and gotten busted for eating on the museum floor and Gabe may have thrown a major fit when we told him we needed to leave BUT other than those minor things we have a fabulous time!

Gabe was very into the abacus!

Gabe and Poppa's puppet show

He LOVES playing with alphabet magnets

This boy could stack all day!


Poppa in the bubble

Playing Lego's with Momma

Stack them high!

His absolute favorite thing was the train table. He would have stayed here all day of he had let him.

News Anchors Gabe and Momma

Grocery shopping... looks like he wants biscuits.

Decisions, decisions...

Why oh why did we take a 2 year old in to the gift shop! He so did not get the concept of "pick 1." We had to drag him, kicking and screaming I might add, out of the museum. He rebounding quickly once he saw that we were going to eat lunch!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Sweet time with Momma!

It amazes me how Gabe can be a completely different child (sometimes good and sometimes bot so good) when David or I are home alone with him. Gabe and I spent some quality time together last night when David headed to his brother's house to watch the LSU game. Sometimes Gabe isn't exactly on his best behavior when it's just me and him but he was a prefect angel. We played puzzles in our bed for hours. He is very into his alphabet puzzle right now.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Taking it easy...

As luck would have it Gabe was sick for Halloween so no trick or treating for! We spent the week taking things easy and trying to get Gabe well. Monie came up and babysat for us Friday night so David and I were able to sneak in a day night, and Monie and I (mostly Monie) hung the cables for Gabe's art wall in our dining room. I just love it!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

"No Momma 45"

This first pic is from late Sunday night. I just had to share it... this is so Gabe right now!


Momma's birthday! I have a sweet video of Gabe singing me happy birthday but for some reason is won't download. Anyway that night as we were getting ready for bed I said "Gabe, can you believe Momma is 35?" Gabe's response "No Momma 45." OUCH!


Playing with blocks with Momma. Can you see that my poor baby sweats even when he's inside!

I asked Gabe who was in his family Tuesday night and his response was "Trucks, dogs and rainbows." Love it!


Those red beans were EVERYWHERE!


So I gave Gabe a granola bar on our way home from school... you can see what happened...


Gabe's preschool had their fall fest Friday. A cool front came through mid day- problem being we forgot to pack a jacket for him. Good thing some sweet little girl let him borrow hers!


Off to Monie and Pappy's!

Gabe loved climbing up and down the stairs


Gabe loves my green shoes! He loves to wear them around the house doing his "man work" AKA pushing around his trucks.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Jay was able to send us a few preview prints... I am in love!!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

"Great idea"

These next two pictures just melt my heart! I love my two guys!!!

Airplane with momma!

Sunday we headed to Abita Springs and met up with an old friend of mine who took some family pics of us. After we grabbed a quick bite to eat. Apparently I love to take pics of Gabe eating hamburgers! During lunch (at the top of his lungs) Gabe yells out "Geaux Tigers!"

Gabe sacked out on the way home (sans pants)!

So, so, so cute!

Bike riding!

Yummy gelato in early celebration of momma's birthday!

One the way home Gabe was "reading" his truck book. He said "one day the truck got stuck." Ha!

I haven't written about his funny sayings lately so here's some from the last few weeks....

That's great!
Look at me, I'm so fast!
Great idea!
Oh a zero (when he saw a Cheerio)
Go team!
No problem!
So cute!