Happy 18 month birthday sweet baby boy! I cannot believe that you've reached the year and a half mark! You are just the most amazing thing Poppa and I have ever seen. Here's what you're up to...
Big, huge news.... you're finally walking! I'll admit that you had us worried for a bit but you taught a great lesson in patience!
You are getting much better about eating table food. You will ask for a "bite" anytime you see us eating something. You're a bit picky, but you probably have the 2 pickiest parents so we won't hold that against you.
You are still a great sleeper- 7:30 PM- about 7 AM. You're down to only one nap a day which usually last 2-3 hours.
You are quite the littler talker! You try and repeat just about anything we say. Your vocabulary has grown significantly!
And speaking of talking you say "Momma" or "Poppa" oh about 500 times a day!
You will also say "Hi" and "Bye" and wave to anyone and everyone you see!
You now know a number of letter sounds- a, b, g, l, m, s, t (embarrassing admission- his sitter taught him this- I didn't even know he knew them until two weeks ago)
You are now weighing 28 lbs 10 oz and measuring in at 34 inches- 90th percentile for both!
You are absolutely obsessed with trucks! It is rare that you don't have a truck or two in your hands.
Some of your dislikes- bath time, brushing your teeth, having your nails trimmed, having your hair brushed.... you are ALL BOY!
Gabriel, Poppa and I love you oh so very much! Happy half birthday baby boy!
Love you bunches and bunches, Momma and Poppa
This is a very typical scene in our house- Gabe playing with his beloved trucks.
Trying on his doctor's halloween costume.