Thursday, July 22, 2010

Gabe's Quarterly Report

Happy 15 month birthday Gabe! Now that you're one I thought I'd give updates every three months rather than every month. I know I say this every time but you are just the most fun right now! I can't imagine you being any cuter or any sweeter than this very moment! Here's what you've been up to...

You are weighing in at 25 pounds 15 ounces (75th percentile) and you're 33 inches tall (90th percentile)!

You are still an excellent sleeper. We put you to bed at 7:30 every night and you usually wake up around 6:30-6:45. Most days you will still take a morning and afternoon nap but occasionally you will just take one mid day nap.

You still aren't walking, but Dr. Ferrell tells us not to worry. You are making progress- you are beginning to stand on your own more and more!

You are the fastest crawler! I don't know how you can move so quickly!

You are getting better about table food but we still feed you "baby" (Gerber graduate meals- turkey and rice, pasta and chicken)food most meals.

You love to play in your bedroom. It's your favorite room in the house.

Your favorite toys are your trucks and Sugar Pie (singing donkey).

You now have 9 teeth! One of your molars came out just last week!

You now have quite the vocab...

DaDa- you sometimes say Daddy but most often say Dada

Poppa- you sometimes call Dada Poppa, you usually whisper your p's- too cute!

Momma- lately you've been kind of yelling Momma- very funny!

Gabe- you usually say it in a very high pitched voice- you say Bye Bye Gabe and hey Gabe all the time!

Boo- you love to play peek a boo

Ball- probably you're favorite word right now

Baby- you just learned this word. It's also usually said in a very high pitched voice.

All Gone- you repeat after me and Daddy once your food is all gone

Bite- when you want another bit of something

Hey and Hi- you love to say both Hey and Hi, you say it all the time to complete strangers

Thank You- more like Tan Tu but you say it just about every time you hand us something

No No- you usually say something as you;re doing something you know you shouldn't be

Bye Bye- oh how you love to say Bye Bye, any time I grab either my purse, my sunglasses or your diaper bag you say Bye Bye. You also say it as soon as you see me every afternoon. You know it's time to leave your sitter and head home.

Uh Oh- again you say this all the time- anytime you drop something either accidentally or on purpose you say Uh Oh.

Danny- this is a new word too. Danny is your sitter's husband's name.

You also know lots of animal sounds- Gorilla (my favorite), fish, monkey, cow, cat, crab, skunk, dog and owl.

Gabe, Daddy and I are just having a ball with you! You are a source of constant entertainment these days! We are always looking at each other and saying "did he just say that?", "did he just do that?" Oh how we love you!

Love you bunches and bunches,

Momma and Dada

Cutest baby boy ever!

1 comment:

  1. Love the updates. But check the weight again. You posted 15 lbs 15 oz. Pappy and I will be taking a trip up there in a few weeks to give Mamma a day off. And give Monie and Pappy some alone playtime with Gabe. Kisses for my little monkey.
