Sunday, September 13, 2009

"Eat Mor Chikn"

Monie and Pappy came and spent Labor Day weekend with us! They said they were here to help us fill in the pond but we know the real reason...Gabe! I mean who could blame them?

Last winter Mom bought what we thought was going to be Gabe's Halloween costume. Well little did we know that we'd have a giant baby! Below are a few pics of Gabe in the costume while he can still fit it!

Also we took Gabe to his pediatrician Thursday so she could take a look at his rash. Gabe has had some sort of skin affliction basically since birth (baby acne, cradle cap) but for the past 2 weeks he's had a rash on his face, legs, arms and tummy. You can see how red his face is in the pics. The pedi thought that he might be allergic to milk and told his to give him Nutramigen and see if the rash went away. Well he's been on it for a few days now and we've noticed no change so it looks like it's time for an allergy test to find out what specifically he's allergic to. Poor little man!


  1. That is one sweet cow! So what's he going to be for Halloween now? He could be an LSU linebacker! Love that cute face.

  2. I have no idea what he's going to be now! He is growing out of everything!
