Monday, February 22, 2010

"Baby, I'm Here to Stop Your Crying"

Happy Birthday Gabe! You've hit double digits- 10 whole months!!! I cannot even begin to tell you how much Daddy and I are enjoying you these days! We could just eat you up! Here's what you've been up to...

You are now crawling- real crawl not army crawl! It amazes me how quickly you move!

You can pull yourself up onto the sofa and you can pull yourself up in your bed!

You love shaking your head "no" back and forth. You are usually laughing while you do this!

You can clap your hands!

You love to give five!

You are now eating baby yogurt and you love it! We are still too scared to give you table food but you're not exactly hurting for nutrition!

You seem to have dropped your evening nap (5-6 PM) so most days you just take a morning and an afternoon nap and you are still sleeping about 11 hours each night.

You have 5 teeth!

You make the funniest faces!!!

You now sometimes cry when Daddy or I leave the room. I think this may be the beginnings of separation anxiety.

You still babble all the time and "da da" continues to be your favorite!

You're starting to play with your toys more. Your current favorite is your phone/piano!

You and Momma being silly!

Cute little man!

Example of one of your funny faces!

You have the sweetest smile!

Look at you, standing in your crib!

Happy 10 month birthday to the sweetest boy in all of the world!

Love you bunches and bunches,
Momma and Daddy

*Blog title from "Power of Two" by the Indigo Girls.

1 comment:

  1. I miss him and it's not been a week since I held him. Next time we come to visit I'm taking a burp diaper back home with his scent on it. LOL I love that beautiful baby boy.Hug him and kiss him all over for me..Monie
