Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fashion Faux Pas

Gabe has been spitting up lately. It started a few weeks mom thinks he has reflux, the sitter thinks he's teething and I of course don't know what to think. Any ideas?

Every afternoon when I pick Gabe up I'm always eager to see if he's still wearing the clothes we brought him in or has he spit up on them. Today I walked in to find Gabe wearing something I definitely did not pack for him. Apparently he spit up twice and Tammy (sitter) had to search through some of her grandson's old clothes to find something for him. Just thought his mismatched, pieced together outfit was too cute not to share!

1 comment:

  1. Tucker was, as one of my cousins phrased it, "The most moist baby EVER". She drooled like it was nobody's business, and she spit up MASSIVE amoungs CONSTANTLY. We never figured out what was causing it. If it is reflux, you can try getting one of those bed positioners that is like a wedge with sides and will help him not be flat when he sleeps (which supposedly helps reflux not build-up). We went from the 4 dainty burp cloths we got at showers (which wouldn't make it through one spit-up with Tucker) to about 40 of those cloth diapers that are heavy-duty. :) We also carried two extra outfits and an extra shirt for Mommy and Daddy everywhere we went for ages adn ages. :) And then one day, it just kind of went away. That's the hopeful part of my story (as I fear the rest of this might have seemed not good to someone in the midst of it). It WILL stop. :)

    Ask the nurses at your pediatrician. (Usually there's an option to just call and talk to a nurse or leave a message and one will call you back.) I found that the nurses always had VERY helpful hints when it came to everyday stuff like that.
