Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ringing in 2010

2009 was quite the year for my little family in fact it was the year that we truly became a family. In honor of the little one who officially made us a family rather than just a couple I thought I'd chronicle my favorite moments with Gabe in 2009.

1. Hearing my sweet baby cry for the first time has to be my favorite moment of the year! I was so exhausted I barely knew my own name but the second I heard him cry I began to cry! It was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard.

2. I know I should probably write holding him for the first time but I was so groggy I have little memory of it. That moment that did it for me was the next day in the hospital. David and I were alone with Gabe most of the day... no visitors until the evening. We were able to spend the day holding him, staring at him, just soaking him in! He even slept while I watched Grey's Anatomy... perfect child!

3. Bringing Gabe home from the hospital is a definite must for this list. It was such a wonderful moment when they said we could finally leave. My favorite nurse wheeled Gabe and I to our car, and we safely buckled Gabe in. I sat with Gabe in the back- I mean did I think he was going to jump out or something? I don't think we were 5 minutes down the road when I looked up in the rear view mirror and saw that David was crying which of course made me cry. We were both beyond happy to be finally taking our sweet baby home.

4. There was a moment early on that I realized that I actually had the ability to soothe Gabe. It was so amazing to realize that he knew me....my heartbeat, my voice and eventually my touch.

5. Gabe first true smile and first belly laugh are amongst my greatest moments! I did (and still will do) anything to make him smile and laugh! As my mom says there's no halfway with him he either has a HUGE grin or none at all.

6. Holding and kissing on Gabe after my first day of work ranks right up there. While I was pregnant I truly thought I wouldn't have much trouble leaving Gabe but I was so wrong. Even today it's so difficult to be away from him all day!

7. While I realized that David had replaced me as Gabe's favorite playmate is a must for the list! I know I've said this over and over again but Gabe sure does love his Daddy and I honestly can say I can't blame him. David is an amazing father!

8. The first time he babbled "momma." My head knows that he doesn't know what he's saying but my heart just melts every time he "says" it!

9. The honest truth is that every moment with Gabe is amazing even when he's crying or fussy I still think he's the best little man that ever was!

Happy New Year! Bring on 2010!

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