Sunday, November 22, 2009

"I Believe in the Power of Love"

Happy 7 month birthday sweet boy! Daddy and I just can't get enough of you these days! It's getting so hard to leave you. I can hardly wait until 4 o'clock during the week so I can race across town and pick you up from Ms. Tammy's house. I want to spend every possible moment I can with you because you are just changing so much.

It's so funny how your personality is such a mix of both me and Daddy. You can be very serious like your daddy but then the next minute your laughing and carrying on just like me. You are just too much!

Here's what you've been up to...
  • You're getting much better at sitting up! You're not quite a pro yet but you're getting there.
  • You're not crawling yet but I'm amazed how quickly you move around. You scoot and roll like a champ and if something is in your sights (like one of your toys) you will find a way to get to it.
  • You're still a wonderful sleeper. Daylight savings was a bit tough but you're back to waking up between 6:30 and 7.
  • You have moved on to stage 2 baby food and you love it!
  • Daddy is by FAR your favorite person. He walks in the room and your face lights sweet!
  • You are getting quite good at taking your paci out of your mouth and putting it back in.
  • You love any time you think we're going to "get you!"
  • You love people! You love any time we take you out in public.
  • You continue to babble all the time. It's so funny how sometimes your voice is very high and then other times it's so deep.
  • You are so ticklish especially on your sides.
  • You have the best belly laugh! Oh I could just listen to it all day!
  • You now turn when we call your name. You also respond to Pookie and Pooks which we still call you quite a bit.
Gabe, thank you for such an amazing 7 months! You are absolutely the best baby we could have ever asked for!

Love you bunches and bunches, Momma and Daddy

Reading the paper with Daddy
Since you were born you have constantly made this face! You are always hiding your bottom lip.

So cute! I could just eat you up!

* Blog title from Cowboy Mouth's song "I Believe." This is my absolute favorite song right now. Gabe and I listen to it everyday on our drive home.

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