Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat!

My goodness did we have a fun Halloween! We started out the day with a little pumpkin carving. David carved our "family" pumpkin, and I carved a small one that I needed for the dish I was bringing to a party. Gabe seemed to really enjoy watching us.

I don't think he knew what to think of the inside of the pumpkin!

Practicing his gymnastics moves...he loves pulling his leg out like this!

David's finished product.

After all of the pumpkin carving fun it was time to get his costume on. You guessed it- he was an LSU football player. Big thanks to my Aunt Frannie for loaning us the uniform and to Pappy for the LSU helmet.

David and I dressed up in LSU gear and wore the signs below..."Geaux Gabe" and "Gabe for Heisman"

Our friends Monique and Ace invited us over to their house. We had such a fun time! Below is Gay as the Snaggle Tooth Fairy trying to remove one of Gabby's teeth. You can't really tell from the picture but she's wearing a tiara and her jacket is covered in tooth brushes. All night long Gay kept asking kids if they had any loose teeth and telling them not to brush their teeth!

David and Gabe just before we headed out to Trick or Treat.

I actually forgot my camera while we were out trick or treating but trust me Gabe had a great time. We just went around the block with him but he seemed to really enjoy looking at everyone! Below is a pic of him once we returned back to Monique and Ace's.

It was so strange trick or treating in daylight. Growing up we never had set hours... you just went when the sun went down but here in the "big city" we do. They are normally from 6-8 but because of the LSU game they were moved up to 5-7.

Gabe was wiped from the day and all of the excitement and promptly passed out on me after he ate his cereal at 6. He slept through all the noise of trick or treating!

Here's a better shot of Gay's costume...too funny!

McKenzie, Maddy, Katherine and Jolie in their costumes.

Gabe eventually woke up and even let us put Gabby's wig on him. Doesn't he look like he should be on the cover of a romance novel!

Oh and here's a pic of my "Puking Pumpkin Veggie Tray."

Hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. is that ranch dressing coming out of the pumpkin?

    love the socks that look like shoes btw...
